What is your creative superpower?

If a child was asked what their superpower was, they would wonder why they had to pick just one? This child could easily convey their strengths, listing them off one by one. They would not feel too boastful. They wouldn’t worry what the person who asked the question thought about their unique superpowers. This child might even think it ridiculous to worry about such things.

At what age did we loose the ability to easily identify what makes us feel special? Why is naming our valuable contributions to the world such a vulnerable process?

I think a world where we knew what we were good at and what we struggled with would be a special place, maybe a utopia of sorts. Just think of what could be gained from this kind of honesty and co-operation. Instead of putting others down for admitting a weakness, we could match that characteristic up to another’s strength. We could act as if we cared for one another and that solving problems together, was of utmost importance.

Since it is a bit of a leap to think of a single superpower, let alone what a creative one might be, I’ve shared mine. You might wonder what this list of qualities has to do with creativity. I think these things are the foundation of my creativity. Without them, I would not know where to start. It is by knowing where to begin that I can eventually get into the flow state, where the magic might happen.


As I look over the words on the left and compare them with the words on the right, an interesting pattern appears. If I practice a healthy measure of being ‘curious’, I am in a good place. It is when that goes too far with ‘too many questions’ that I get into trouble. Knowing when to draw the line seems to be the key, a skill I am always working on.

I have many other things I am working on. Ideas and practices that have become quite important to me as I move into this midlife phase. I have discovered, by accident that this is a highly creative time, probably more than any other time before. What a wonderful surprise to find that being more creative has empowered me in all areas of my life.

Join me for the unveiling of my creative journey so far. Here are the ways we can connect:

  • Sign up for my email list at Daily Creatives, the mail chimp sign up form is on the left side of the screen
  • Send me an email with your superpowers! Christine@dailycreatives.com
  • Share this post with like minded creative folks or anyone in your network, I have been surprised to see where creativity is hiding in some people
  • Take my survey – What does creativity mean to you?

If you have done all those things already, thank-you. I am deeply touched by the honesty of the comments and feelings being expressed about creativity. It is such a passionate topic to be discussing.

One final note – my book has launched! Join me at Daily Creatives and get your copy of Fruitless at 40: Rediscovering My Creative Power. (Yes, I almost did change the title to superpower!)

More information about Who is CW can be found at Daily Creatives, along with a bunch of other great content.

Happy Creating!